Wednesday, July 3, 2013

See Your Life as a MIRACLE!

See your life as a MIRACLE!

"Miracles can be defined as a shift in perspective from fear to love."
- Gabrielle Bernstein, May Cause Miracles

It took me a long time of practice and commitment to shift my perspective towards seeing miracles all the time!  And now I see them everywhere, in everything, almost every single day!

This is not because I'm special or I possess a special clairvoyant gift. The reason that I see miracles every day is because I CHOOSE to.

I live my life in the perspective of seeing the good, the beautiful, the love, the lessons, and the miracles. I am fully aware and conscious to the fact that miracles exist everywhere! Within you, within me, surrounding us all.

The difference in my recognizing the presence of miracles is that I am not living my life searching for the negative. I don't choose to see what's wrong or what needs improving or what's not perfect, instead I always choose to see the positive before the negative. 

It will be honest, it's not easy to walk the earth living this way. You must train your mind to think differently from the way it's been taught to think all of your life. However, once you do master this new way of thinking and this refreshing way to live your life, I can promise you that this mindset will bless you with the gift of seeing the miracles all around.

Fill up with love, let to of fear, and choose to see miracles unfold right before your eyes!

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