Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Finding Your Happy Place...

For those of you who know me personally, you have heard me speak lovingly about my happy place. It has sparked a lot of attention as people want to know, what is this Happy Place? How do I find my Happy Place?
I am going to tell you about my special Happy Place and share with you how to create and enjoy your very OWN Happy Place! 
My Happy Place~
My happy place is an actual destination.  A beautiful beach that holds all of the sacred ingredients that create my happy place.
These elements include...
I didn't always have this clarity on my happy place.  It just sort of evolved over time, with patience. Now I see that I have subconsciously created this space.
Let me describe to you how this came to fruition...
Years ago I fell into a beautiful beach community. This place was where I came year after year to vacation with my family and extended family. After coming back so often, I developed relationships with other beach loving people that visited this magical place by the sea. Eventually these people became my beach family, born from the common love of our happy place. These kindred spirits (including myself) carve time out of our lives and gather at our Happy Place every summer to spend time together having fun and making memories. The way we feel collectively when we are together combined with the common love for mother nature is the secret to the energy of the Happiness created. 
The Happy Place came to be because within out hearts our intentions are matched and brought into the light on this beautiful beach which sets the stage for unbounded joy to dance freely through life. And YES, we dance a lot here!!
Although, my happy place is a place, it also exists within me. I bring the blissful experience of this space into my life wherever I go. It is so much apart of me that it actually IS me... my happy place is in my soul.  
It breathes its existence into my mind, body and spirit as a tattoo in my aura to remind me always that I hold the power and inner joy to be in my happy place any time I wish. It is always with me.  Even when I'm not within the space, the space is within me. True happiness has a home within my heart and it is apart of my soul beauty.
I radiate it.
My intention behind sharing this is in hopes that you will be inspired to create your very own Happy Place in the world.  
Whether it is with a group of people or solo. It really doesn't matter, what does matter is that you discover it and allow it to be apart of who you are. So much in our lives seem beyond our control that it is hard to find a space where pure happiness exists. I encourage you to create it! Stop searching for it or waiting for happiness to find you. BE it NOW!
Think about it, dream about it.  Design your own Happy Place.   
Grab a journal and write about it...  
What is your Happy Place?  
What does it look like? 
What does it FEEL like?
How does it engage all of your senses?  Who is in your happiness tribe?

Your Happy Place is a place to be free.  It holds the thrill of abandonment from everyday life. Where peace and solitude are found. Unconditional love is felt amongst the people you surround yourself with and good vibes pulse within the waves as laughter and joy pours over you like sunbeams. The breeze kisses your skin with love and comfort and it creates an environment of bliss. Your belly tingles with excitement just thinking about being there.

This is what my Happy Place feels like for me. It is a home for my soul...

What does your Happy Place feel like?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Perfection is just an illusion...

We are all continually on a spiritual journey, called life. Along this spiritual journey, you are often confronted with things that you need to work on within yourself. This can be a place where people tend to get really stuck. When they realize that they are not "perfect".

As we have realizations about ourselves, we must recognize that it is just that - a realization an nothing more! These moments in life provide an opportunity to see our lives more clearly, acknowledge what we see and then let it go!

Letting go is where we struggle the most. Instead of releasing, we tend to work on trying to polish the issue, to make it perfect. This only gets you more stuck! While you are trying to 'work on yourself' by perfecting yourself, you could be trying to hold on to what you really need to just let go!

By not doing so, you are creating an illusion of perfection around the issue. We create internal dialogue around the issue, "If I just learn or master this then that thing will change and look better." Is this really true? Have you tried to let go of the need to perfect?

If you live within the mindset that you constantly must work on yourself in order to live up to unrealistic views of perfection, then you are only trapping yourself in a living hell.

When we are in this place of working on ourselves all the time, then we are missing everything! Missing the beauty of who you are underneath it all, which is absolutely perfect already. Why not just realize your flaws and then let go.

In this realm of thought, if you then want to master or learn something you are coming at it from an angle of really wanting to learn instead of from a place of needing to perfect yourself.

You are already perfect. By doing the polishing you are adding a mask and/or more layers of the miracle of the realization you've uncovered. Instead just accept, acknowledge, let go, and then create from a new space with crystal clear intentions.

Perfection is an illusion that keeps you stuck on thinking you need to work on yourself.
Acceptance is the gateway to freedom and self liberation.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How Do You Choose to See Yourself?

Acceptance is to see beyond the cracks of your mind, body, and spirit and instead look right at the center - into your heart.

In order to really see and accept who someone is inside, we must 'see the truth' of individuals as a whole. We must not judge, lay expectations, or decide for others how they are meant to act or how they should show up in our lives.  Accept people for where they are and seek the truth of their soul, within there is the real beauty.

There is NO perfect person. We all have work to do, we all know that. However, if we are striving to live in the present moment then we must see the beauty in the NOW. Acceptance is loving yourself in the now.  We must embrace the beauty, dig deep and surrender to all of the "imperfections" that exist in the now.  Our cracks are where our light shines through in unique and authentic ways.

Through my experiences, I have learned to LOVE the quirky ways of people! The tiny, imperfections that makes every individual unique. Living this way of life offers a fresh view for the seer into the soul of another. It makes me curious about what lies beneath the polished layers, and helps me to really listen to the unspoken tone of their soul within.

I say bring on the 'unpolished' people of the world!  BE RAW AND BE REAL!
This is what the world needs! Colorful! Eclectic! Eccentric!

I like to see my SELF as a raw and beautiful unpolished crystal. I love and embrace my cracks or what others may see as imperfections as they are my best accessories to really show ME :)

How do you choose to see yourself?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

See Your Life as a MIRACLE!

See your life as a MIRACLE!

"Miracles can be defined as a shift in perspective from fear to love."
- Gabrielle Bernstein, May Cause Miracles

It took me a long time of practice and commitment to shift my perspective towards seeing miracles all the time!  And now I see them everywhere, in everything, almost every single day!

This is not because I'm special or I possess a special clairvoyant gift. The reason that I see miracles every day is because I CHOOSE to.

I live my life in the perspective of seeing the good, the beautiful, the love, the lessons, and the miracles. I am fully aware and conscious to the fact that miracles exist everywhere! Within you, within me, surrounding us all.

The difference in my recognizing the presence of miracles is that I am not living my life searching for the negative. I don't choose to see what's wrong or what needs improving or what's not perfect, instead I always choose to see the positive before the negative. 

It will be honest, it's not easy to walk the earth living this way. You must train your mind to think differently from the way it's been taught to think all of your life. However, once you do master this new way of thinking and this refreshing way to live your life, I can promise you that this mindset will bless you with the gift of seeing the miracles all around.

Fill up with love, let to of fear, and choose to see miracles unfold right before your eyes!