Wednesday, June 26, 2013

So You Want to Be Beautiful?

Well you already ARE!
Release all of your negative, ugly thoughts. This is only creating a realm of stuck energy of hurt and unworthiness, trapped behind the layers of a false self that you have created.
Begin to recognize where these negative thoughts derive. Are these your true thoughts, or are they stemming from expectations and beliefs from others?

Your true radiant beauty lies beneath the layers of falsity that you’ve allowed to exist in your mind for too long.
Begin by releasing all of your ugly thoughts about yourself, the thoughts that I call 'Self Sabotage'. Holding onto these negative thoughts is very powerful and is only creating a realm of stuck energy of hurt and unworthiness, creating layers of false self. Get real about what you're telling yourself about yourself. You are not ugly, fat, stupid, or any other hurtful words that your mind may be tricking you into thinking. Ask yourSELF a powerful game changer question...
"Are these my truest thoughts or are they stemming from expectations and beliefs from others?"
I call this a game changer question, because when we answer truthfully it has the power to shift your perception and when we have a shift in perception, it changes our reality.

The REAL truth is….you already are beautiful!
Your task is to break down the layers that you have been hiding behind & allow your beauty shine through. In our world of materialism and social expectations, the concept of beauty has been mutated. The reality is that beauty has never and will never come from a syringe, or surgery, or even from cosmetics! As human beings, we love the idea of altering our appearance through these methods, and yes they can be fun, but they serve no higher purpose. Real beauty is radiant, unaltered, even flawed! Beauty already lies within us, it comes through us and shines outward. We are not beauty, beauty is us!

Truth is beautiful. The purity of our energy is determined by HOW we allow our beauty to present itself. Find purity in your diet, and you will rise to a higher energy. Find purity in your thoughts, and you will speak beautifully. Find purity in your heart, and you will find love in every moment you encounter. When we are pure in mind, body, and soul, we share our true beauty with the world.

Allow yourself to have fun, and enjoy your journey towards loving yourself and the beauty that you already possess! Just like make-up and clothing can change our image, we can do this for the energy of our beauty and show up in many different forms, because we are beautiful in many different ways! First, we must stay open and create the space for our beauty to shine, then we can play and accessorize it. This is having Soul Style. Our Soul style is unique, authentic, and absolutely beautiful. Your own brand of beauty that is couture to you. No other person on this planet can rock your soul style, own it!
Be brilliant. Be beautiful!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer Time, Soul Style...

Who are YOU when your soul is free?

Summer is all about letting go.  Unplugging from our everyday lives to plug into the NOW.  When we unplug, we allow ourselves to let go of all the energies in our lives that feel heavy to us and instead, allow our souls to rest and dance in what feels light and free.

Summer organically carries the quality of releasing and letting go.

FREEDOM is the energy that is most present this time of the year and in order to feel fee, all the universe asks of us is listen to nature, surrender, and follow the moment to moment flow. 

3 Ways to Raise Your Vibration this Summer:

Let go of all schedules and allow spontaneity to show up! Avoid scheduling yourself so tight in order to make space for moments of nothingness. Notice what shows up and go with the flow! Let go of the what you've always known and allow the currents to dictate your direction without resistance. Spend quality time with yourself, meditating when you have quiet space and reconnecting with YOU. Let your soul guide your time and make your plans, if "plans" change, don't panic. Accept this change as an act from the universe for you to make time for an activity that did not exist in your day before. There is a part of yourself that has a different agenda from the action-based mind self.  Allowing for free time gives you space to let your soul speak and show the mind what it desires to do and experience.  Remember your spirit wants to be free and have some fun! So let it!

Unplug! Say buh-bye to social media, cell phones, addictive behaviors. This one is hard, we all know it. Take a moment, reality check. What are we all doing with our faces in our phones? Checking email, twitter and facebook and getting caught up in another world instead of being present to the world you're living in right NOW.

Do you even notice who you are with and what they are saying? Next time you reach for your phone, glance into the eyes of the person you are sitting next to instead. Make a connection, with the soul in front of you. You'll be amazed at what you will see.

The Challenge:
This Summer, I challenge you to join me in letting go! Together, lets let go of social media for the entire month of July!

Don't get me wrong, I love social media and think it is amazing! However, our social networking realm is not real life. Real life is being present to where you are. It is in looking at your surroundings and not at your phone. It is in listening to people speaking to you, not reading about others lives on facebook. It is in moving and getting active, not sitting with your mind engaged in someone else's story of how they are living their life!  It is great to be inspired by others, but this summer I challenge you to inspire yourSELF!

Get off your phones. Live and LOVE your life this summer! The result of this short break will help you find balance, peace, and serenity within your life and prepare you to get back to social media with a whole new perspective - feeling lighter, free, and less addicted!

Lets get back to what is real. What matters to us. Living in presence. Finding our truth.

You Can Do This!

Be daring and try something new. Go beyond your predictable behavior, and say YES to empowering your life! Make a list of fun things you would like to try this summer. Your list can include anything but just make sure that it is NEW and lights you up! When we have a new experience it changes us, always for the better.

You are here on this Earth to grow, expand, and step into your extraordinary self!

Try a water sport, take a drive to a new place you have never been, eat some new and interesting foods, take a class on a hobby you've always wanted to try, read a book that is completely out of the box for you, change up your workout routine to the outdoors.  The list is really endless! Focus on the new things you could try this summer and take action - DO IT!  Transform your self through your open mind.

Get a little crazy! It's SUMMER TIME PEOPLE!! Yes, get a little crazy and have some fun!  Dive into the pool of enchantment and allow yourself to be carried away with the magical starry nights of summer bliss.  Be free with your spirit!  Whether you are enjoying simply relaxing or partying like the rockstar that you are, just be sure to pour your soul into it and be present. Allow the change of the tides to take you to different places with yourself and watch the ripple effect in your life.

Make a commitment to yourself to detox from everyday life and refresh your spirit. Fill up on the good stuff in life and the tiny miracles of the present moment.
When we let our soul lead the way, we immediately come back to a place of total presence. I challenge you to let go, right now! Release your control on life and see where you land when you when you go with the flow.

Be bold, be free, be beautiful...  Believe, be love, be true to you...
As far and wide, remember there's someone who's thinking of you...
-David Newman

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Journey To My Soul


I have always been a curious soul, even as a child. I had touched on the experience of journeying inward to discover myself, but it wasn't until I was older that I started to go deeper with myself and started to become a self help junkie!

I began to read everything I could get my hands on in this extraordinary topic, but it was still sort of surface based for me.  I would jump from reading Gary Zukav’s seat of the soul to US magazine, in between two worlds.  I was curious but so buried in my life as a mother and wife that I was often taken off course. 

A few years later, after having my third child and returning back to work as a hairstylist, I began to feel myself having thoughts of "there is something else I need to be doing." The moment I really allowed this message to enter my journal is when it became real. I began to write every day focusing on how I was going to make a radical change in my life. Shortly after, I  quit my job and began to study every spiritual teacher I could! I felt this incredible surge of energy to learn, to grow, to expand!  This force was truly unstoppable. I'm sure my family and my husband thought I had lost my mind, but in my reality, I was FOUND.

I began to immerse myself in the teachings of this new way of life I was creating and went to coaching school, Feng Shui school, Fashion Feng Shui school, I studied energy work and became a Reiki Master, I found myself going on a miraculous workshop tour! I created my own business, Soul Style and my own radio show, Soul Sister Circle Talk show which was a blast to do! I also got deeper with my yoga practice and just recently became a 200 Hour RYT through Yoga Alliance. 

The real shift for me was about 2 years ago when I dropped into a committed and deeper meditation practice. My practice changed my life. Meditation taught me that I didn't need to keep endless searching and studying and taking workshops, rather what I was seeking all along is what I already had within mySELF. 

Thousands of dollars later, many highs and lows of peeling back layers along my journey, and here I am. I am truly HAPPY!

Do What You Love!

I created my business Soul Style as a reflection of all my studies and passions and complaining them into one with the intention of bringing them into service for others. I am a stylist to the SOUL. My intention is to teach people that they are not lost, broken or ugly, but in fact they are whole and perfect and BEAUTIFUL! 

I want to help people release their fear of change and find excitement in the process.  Change is the gateway to the liberation your soul desires, It is not to be feared but yet encouraged! I want to heal people, to help them return to soul based living. The energy that people put out into the collective directly effects the world we live in. I have a vested interest in the happiness of others because it effects my own life and every other individuals lives in this Universe. We all need to take responsibility for our own happiness and how it effects others. I am here to raise the vibration!

Lets Get Spiritual

I have many rituals, but the one thing that has helped me and continues to is my meditation practice. I have studied many forms of meditation and seemed to bring them all together for my own style. I believe we all have our own 'Soul's Style' of meditation.  

For me it waking up every morning, sitting for 30 minutes in a quiet space with some incense, my mala beads, oracle cards and always tons of crystals. I personally love the Primordial Sound meditation that I learned at the Chopra Center using mantras, and I seem to use this most often. My oracle cards and journaling are how I end my practice daily. I always ask for guidance from spirit and journal my thoughts. I believe that we are all co-creators on Earth and I don't move forward without checking in and invoking spirit first!

You Are Beautiful!

We are all here to be creative expressions of our souls evolution. I see the beauty in everything, and you can too.  I see the beauty in all people and the creative differences we all have just gets me so inspired for life!  What a boring world this would be if we were all the same.  I think it is a movement of authenticity that will shift our planet and change our world.  Authentic people GLOW!

When you begin to see your own Soul Style you slowly stop comparing yourself to others, you begin to see yourself as bright light in the world. Comparison to others begins to fall away when we realize we are art on to ourselves. There are 8-10 Billion people on this planet and no two people share the same soul.

We are all here for our own unique creative way to express the pure light inside of ourselves. We cannot begin to act 'as one' in this world until we have embraced the one within us and free ourselves to creatively express our beauty, our Soul's Style of expression  We are ALL beautiful!  

Unicorns & Shooting Stars

It seems to me that the million dollar question right now is "What is my Soul's purpose?"

Everyone seems to think it is kind of cool to throw around the term 'Spiritual', and I am all for it! I say everyone jump on the spiritual bandwagon! BUT...  Be ready... For it is not all unicorns and fairies and shooting stars.  

Some parts of the journey are, but other parts are down right scary and seem to be a lot of work! I know this first hand and believe that many other individuals who have embarked on their own spiritual journey would agree. It is painful to peel back all the layers of false self that you have either inherited from generations or have created for yourself along your life's journey. I believe that "healing" is a return to ones pure self.  What we seek is already within us. We just need to let go of all the false identities and false beliefs so that the gem within can see the light of day and radiate! This is what I have learned is called a practice. It is only through daily practice that we begin to shed and grow. It IS living life, that IS the spiritual journey. 

I believe that the universe IS always conspiring for our greatest good and I get excited about change now. I have unwavering faith that freedom is within my expression of my journey. Spirituality is not what you DO, it is WHO you are. It is HOW you live your life!  In every area of your life, your Soul Style shows up.

Now, when I hear people say, "I am on a spiritual journey", I passionately exclaim - well buckle up and enjoy the ride!