Creating your soul circle is crucial for keeping yourself motivated to be the best YOU, you can be! Lets face it, it is hard to go through LIFE alone! We need to fuel up on inspiration to keep us thriving. In order to thrive, we need a soul support group! It has been said “that you become the people you surround yourself with.” Surrounding yourself with the people who support you and inspire YOU in being the best version of YOU is so important.
So I ask...
Who can you look to for your soul support?
Do you have a circle of these individuals?
Who are your ‘go to people’ when you are in need of advice in certain areas of your life?
Are you getting anxious, wondering who your soul peeps are? Are you thinking you might have to cut some people out of your life and find yourself getting stressed about it? Well, don’t worry! You won’t need to cut off your mother or your best friend or anything dramatic like that, so take a breath and relax. You will, however need to get honest with the energy flow of certain relationships. Think of this as a spring cleaning for your life!
Let’s begin! Start with making a list of the people who make you feel great and a list of the people who make you feel... not so great. Be honest!
It is important to be conscious of who brings us good energy, and it is important to be aware of the zappers! We all got em! There are some people that can just drag you down. It is time to tell yourself the truth about how you feel and start creating some healthy boundaries between you and the zappers. If you get a bad feeling around certain people then that is a sign, LISTEN and create a boundary! This can be a tough thing, especially when the zapper is a family member or a close coworker or even a friend. It is okay to set healthy boundaries and limit the toxic energy from your life. Do what is necessary to create a healthy environment for yourself.
Next make a list of all the people that you feel great around. You know the people you can talk to for hours, the people who make you feel happy just by being in their presence. These people are like food for your soul because they cultivate good energy for you. They make you smile and when you leave their presence, you continue to carry a positive vibe. Energy is contagious!
Some questions you might want to ask yourself while making your list are:
Who believes in me?
Who really ‘sees’ me for who I am?
Who inspires me to be great?
Who do I respect?
Below is a fun list you can consider while creating your soul circle. These are just some energetic qualities you should look for in people when thinking about your circle of soul peeps. Feel free to add any extra energy ingredient needed to create your soulful sauce of life!
Mentor- The energy of wisdom- This is the person who has reached a certain level of success that you desire to have. You can learn from their success as well from their mistakes. This would be someone you admire and respect.

Realist- The energy of truth- This person will help you keep you authentic! Honest people can see the big picture in life and they will keep you grounded. They may piss you off, but you love them for keepin’ you REAL!
Spiritualist- The energy of spirituality- This is not just one person, but a community! They will help you keep your faith aligned and you connected to source, always expanding your consciousness with some BIG talk.
Dreamer- The energy of creativity- This soul friend will listen to your crazy ideas and never think your nuts! Instead, they will expand your vision and make you feel as though life is art in constant creation.
Seeker- The energy of worth- This is a person that YOU can inspire or mentor. When we can inspire another it raises our self worth and makes you feel important.
Comfort- The energy of peace- This is the place of unconditional love. this person knows you, all of you, and the can see on your level of perception. No judgments or explaining needed, they just simply get it. Feels like home :)
Fun- The energy of excitement- This person will lift your spirits and dance all night! We all need that FUN person that is down with anything and always ready for adventure. Nothing like some silly friends to laugh with... Laughter energy is so healing and it can actually transform you! We all need a good hard belly laugh with good freinds OFTEN!
Connector- The energy of oneness- This person always has excess to information and is willing to share. They always have someone they want you to meet. We all need to feel connected and part of a network, it helps us work together and create bridges. Bringing us back to fact, that we ARE all one.
Lover- The energy of passion- This person will turn you on and light your fire! We are human and we need passion, when we receive and share passion we carry that into all areas of our lives. Passion energy helps motivate us, sort of like a power energy drink! Besides... we all want to feel sexy and desired ;)
When creating your soul circle make sure that it is diverse. Add all of the ingredients you need to create your ‘ideal you’! We all need each other, and mirror each other. You may have a quality that someone needs for his or her circle and vice-versa, so share your gifts and be genuine. Your soul circle will shift, change and grow throughout your life as needed. Be wise and flexible with understanding that we are ALL a part of the web of life and everyone’s happiness matters!
Life is that much richer knowing you have a SOUL team! Creating a soul circle of people who love and support you, will make you feel unstoppable as you shine your brightest!